Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Otter, Bahama Bay

It's been a while since the last post - how do you keep on top of digital images!! I had previously made a number of oblique references to wearing camo gear at Bahama Bay. Well here's the reason why. Florida,mammals,Wildlife
As well as seeing the alligator in the bigger lake I saw this otter working one of the banks. I tried to get nearer, but failed. Walking back to the apartment I was feeling really happy, but to my surprise I found a second otter in the pond right amongst the buildings. Despite appearances it was quite shy, and although I managed a couple of shots I didn't have the chance to really watch it.
Florida,mammals Hence the camo gear. Over the next couple of visits - I couldn't get down every day due to early starts going elsewhere - I did manage to watch it feeding, but it took a while to get some more pictures. In time it seemed more comfortable. perhaps it didn't see me - their eyesight isn't meant to be so good - but looking at these pictures I think it is more likely it just decided I wasn't a threat. Like the herons I think it was mainly eating big tadpoles, but it wolfed them down so fast it was hard to see.
The 400D struggles with focus against water, and trying to manually focus in that little viewfinder would be tricky even if I wasn't a speccy-four-eyes. Also the low light and a constantly moving target was tricky. This was the one time I wished I'd taken my other camera body - so the pictures are not as sharp as I would have wished.
I tell you Bahama Bay is a great place to stay! That said the rest of the posts will be from other sites - the Space Coast, some theme parks - never discount them - and my favourite - Bok gardens.

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